Therapy with me: starts with where you are at as an individual. My approach to working with clients is understanding their identity and placement within their systems. I identify first that each individual is a human and part of communities, both which influence them and which they impact. In other words, I place value on the systems and understand that individuals do not live in a vacuum. I am mindful that some sessions during treatment may feel better for trauma processing, while others may feel more appropriate for problem solving, validation, or just holding space. Therapy with me is relationship-focused and values the beauty of culture, intersectionality in order to reach a more congruent, authentic version of self. I also firmly believe that awareness and strengthening of the mind-body connection is an important step to healing. Finally, I firmly believe that I am equals to my clients, and that they often know what is best and congruent to them. I believe in collaboration and trust, and approach therapy from this lens.
My impacting identities/roles that inform my work: The main piece of my identity that I feel describes me is as a “migrant.” I have lived in different continents and countries, and feel my identity has been shaped and enriched by my experience learning from different communities. I am a cisgender female of Middle Eastern decent, and identify as culturally Jewish. I am also a third-generation Holocaust survivor, which guides me in seeking meaning and understanding the importance of rebuilding after traumatic events, in particular intergenerational trauma.
I am highly aware that I present as a white, cisgender female, and understand the privileges this presentation provides. I bring into the therapeutic space the values of anti-racist work and acknowledge that it is a lifelong journey. The journey involves lifelong examination and accountability of myself and my identity, as well as conversation about safety and trust in the therapeutic space.
I feel informed and knowledgeable about: The impact of trauma on the mind, body, self, and relationships. I feel knowledgeable about how complex trauma may alter or create a new lens from which an individual operates, thinks, feels, and behaves. I am also highly attuned to the impact of family systems, attachments, and developmental relationships and caregiving styles, in particular as they show up in relationships. I feel well informed about the impact of systemic oppression and discrimination and its impact on traumatic stress, and acknowledge it is a lifelong journey to continue to learn about, as well. I also have extensive experience working with refugees, forced migrants, and trafficking survivors, and supporting them with different approaches to therapy.
I work best with clients who: Are curious about their identity, patterns, and relationships, and want to feel more congruent, at ease, and in control of their emotions. I work well with clients who are open to validation and empathy, but also to be challenged and pushed. I believe I work well in creating a safe space for vulnerability, and work well with clients trusting to make the leap to explore themselves from new lenses.
I am not a good clinical fit for clients who: Are hoping for symptom reduction versus introspective exploration and healing. I also may not be a good fit for clients engaging in substance use.
What makes me unique: I am a career changer. I have worked in the humanitarian aid sector and have learned from different conflict-impacted communities, which informs my understanding of trauma and work as a therapist. I can also conduct therapy in Hebrew and French!
I am a firm believer in continuing to learn and grow as an individual, and as a therapist. Currently, I am pursuing a somatic attachment therapy training. I am also pursuing trainings in internal family systems and parts work.
FUN FACTS/RESILIENCE BUILDING: I am an avid dog lover. I enjoy spending time with furry friends and going on walks with them. I also enjoy traveling, in particular to beaches and exploring new cities. I believe that my friends and family have been a strong foundation and source for my success. I enjoy activities that allow me to be present and spending time with them. What helps me to build resilience is continuing to learn from my peers, supervisors, and clients.
MSc in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Johns Hopkins University
M.A. in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action from Sciences Po – Paris School of International Affairs
TF-CBT Certified, Nationally Certified (pending)
DBT Trained